This tutorial will show you how to add streaming music or mp3 songs in your blogger post. Its much simple than any other trick found on the net because you just have to add a simple single code to your blogspot post. This will benefit most of the bloggers who runs music blogs. Lets first see what actually we are making, check the bellow player.
1. Embed streaming mp3 audio file with auto start function
As you can see in the above player , the songs autostarts with the loading of the webpage. making your reader listen to the song without clicking on any button. To add this to your blogger post just add the bellow code in the Edit HTML mode of your New Posts.
<center><embed src="" width="304" height="18" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="&file=YOUR MP3 FILE LOCATION&height=18&width=305&showeq=false&autostart=true&repeat=false&shuffle=false&volume=100"></embed></center>
This may be usefull if you have to add more than one audio file on your single blogger post. This will make your reader click on the play button if he has to listen to the audio file. check bellow player demo
<center><embed src="" width="304" height="18" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="&file=YOUR MP3 FILE LOCATION&height=18&width=305&showeq=false&autostart=false&repeat=false&shuffle=false&volume=100"></embed></center>
3. Embed Streaming mp3 audio file with animated image
This will make you an option to add a animated image above the player of your choice . Could be helpfull to show album covers. check the player bellow
![]() |
<center><table border=0><tr><td align=center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></td></tr><tr><td><br><embed src="" width="304" height="18" allowfullscreen="false" flashvars="&file=YOUR MP3 AUDIO FILE LOCATION&height=18&width=305&showeq=false&autostart=true&repeat=false&shuffle=false&volume=100"></embed></td></tr></table></center>
12 Responses So Far:
this really helps! thankssss
This is a great blog. Audio-streaming is most popular over the internet for things such as radio, music, television and sports among other programming choices. Most providers of audio-streaming to have listeners worldwide because their service is available for free.
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